Soft Fab
by Yu Nong Khew with Students
Types of:
Spawns: White Oyster Mushroom, Gray oyster,
Substrates: Coffee ground/ coffee filter(shredded) / tea bag (unshred), Sawdust,
Molds: Acrylic Hexagon board for the base(shape) / found plastic bags/ found plastic bubble bags, Clear acrylic, clear acrylic
Soft FAB class was developed by Yu Nong Khew, to encourage students to deepen their understanding of soft materials and how softness is explored in interiors. Students learned to explore the notion of softness in interiors with particular focus on how soft materials hug and touch the human body, as well as acoustics, light transmittance and temperature. The goal of the course was to introduce students to compostable soft materials used in interiors, as well as develop digital and physical skills associated with the making of soft interiors.